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00001 // $Id: ladmin.h 1 2006-01-13 22:47:50Z MagicalTux $
00002 #ifndef _LADMIN_H_
00003 #define _LADMIN_H_
00005 #define LADMIN_CONF_NAME        "conf/ladmin_athena.conf"
00006 #define PASSWORDENC             3       // A definition is given when making an encryption password correspond.
00007                                                         // It is 1 at the time of passwordencrypt.
00008                                                         // It is made into 2 at the time of passwordencrypt2.
00009                                                         // When it is made 3, it corresponds to both.
00011 int parse_fromlogin(int fd); // global definition (called by socket.c)
00013 #endif // _LADMIN_H_

Generated on Fri Apr 28 10:20:04 2006 for OpenAthena by  doxygen 1.4.4