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Inter Server Core Routines.
[Inter Server Routines.]


void inter_init (const char *file)
 Initializes the server.
 TIMER_FUNC (check_ttl_wisdata)
 Delete elapsed wisps (with no answer).
void inter_save ()
 Commits save file writing.
int inter_parse_frommap (int fd)
 The packet parser for packets from Map Servers.
void inter_mapif_init (int fd)
 Resets variables.
void mapif_parse_AccRegRequest (int fd, int account_id)
void inter_log (char *fmt,...)
 Logging function.
void send_alone_map_server_flag ()
 Sends flag 'map_is_alone' to all map-servers.


short party_share_level
 Max level difference for exp share.
short guild_extension_bonus
 Extra member space for every level of extension.

Function Documentation

void inter_init const char *  file  ) 

Initializes the server.

This will load configuration, initialize SQL connections, and loads database.

file Inter Server config file.

void inter_mapif_init int  fd  ) 

Resets variables.

This is used to reset guild castles.

See also:

int inter_parse_frommap int  fd  ) 

The packet parser for packets from Map Servers.

fd The socket.
0: unknown packet, 1: packet processed, 2: need more packet.

void inter_save  ) 

Commits save file writing.

This is only used when saving to plaintexts (TXT mode).

TIMER_FUNC check_ttl_wisdata   ) 

Delete elapsed wisps (with no answer).

Called periodically, hooked on init.

Generated on Fri Apr 28 10:20:06 2006 for OpenAthena by  doxygen 1.4.4