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auth_dat Struct Reference
[Account Server Core Functions]

Authorization data. More...

#include <login.h>

Data Fields

int account_id
 Account ID.
unsigned sex: 3
 0/1, 2: server
char userid [25]
 Account name (24 byte + Nul).
char pass [33]
 Password (32 byte).
char lastlogin [24]
 "2005-06-16 23:59:59.999" = 24
int logincount
 Failed login count.
short state
 packet 0x006a value + 1 (0: OK)
char email [41]
 e-mail (by default:
char error_message [20]
 Error code #6 (packet 0x006a).
time_t ban_until_time
 0 = no ban, ban length otherwise
time_t connect_until_time
 Validity of the account (0 = inf).
char last_ip [16]
 save of last IP of connection
char * memo
 a memo field
unsigned char level
 GM level.
char * memo
unsigned short account_reg2_num
global_reg * account_reg2

Detailed Description

Authorization data.

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Generated on Fri Apr 28 10:20:05 2006 for OpenAthena by  doxygen 1.4.4