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dbt Struct Reference
[Simple Database API]

A database table. More...

#include <db.h>

Data Fields

int(* cmp )(struct dbt *, void *, void *)
 Comparison function.
uintptr_t(* hash )(struct dbt *, void *)
 Hash function.
void(* release )(struct dbn *, int which)
 Deallocate memory.
int maxlen
dbnht [HASH_SIZE]
int item_count
const char * alloc_file
int alloc_line
dbt::db_free * free_list
int free_count
int free_max
int free_lock

Data Structures

struct  db_free

Detailed Description

A database table.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Fri Apr 28 10:20:06 2006 for OpenAthena by  doxygen 1.4.4