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core.h File Reference

Core server API Contains declarations of functions that must be implemented by each server. More...

#include <time.h>

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Version Flags

The flags to be passed into get_version().
This should be grouped into enums.
See also:

#define VERSION_FLAG_MOD   5


#define MAX_TERMFUNC   10
 Maximum number of termfunc callbacks.


void do_init (const int argc, char **argv)
 Called on server startup.
void set_termfunc (void(*termfunc)(void))
 Assign a function as a callback on termination.
void versionscreen (void)
 Prints version.
void display_title (void)
 Prints logo Prints a fancy and colourful logo.
int get_version (char flag)
 Gets server version number.


int runflag
 Main loop control.
time_t start_time
 Server startup time.

Detailed Description

Core server API Contains declarations of functions that must be implemented by each server.

Define Documentation

#define MAX_TERMFUNC   10

Maximum number of termfunc callbacks.

See also:

Generated on Fri Apr 28 10:20:05 2006 for OpenAthena by  doxygen 1.4.4