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Todo List

Class map_session_data
Some of the flags here should be grouped into their own structure.

Class mmo_map_server
: Generalize IP storing.

File cfg_files.h
Standardize and encapsulate names.

File console.h
daemons don't need extensive console support.

File timer.h
Prefix functions with oa_timer_

Global display_title
This is completely useless, we don't need daemon to do this.

Global versionscreen
We don't need daemon to do this.

Global runflag
This should be encapsulated by a quit/exit function call.

Global MD5_String
Change it with apr-util implementation (using pool)

Global get_timer
Remove from header declaration, it should not be used outside.

Global date_format
Should use locale.

Generated on Fri Apr 28 10:20:06 2006 for OpenAthena by  doxygen 1.4.4