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timer.h File Reference

Timer Functions. More...

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Data Structures

struct  TimerData
 Represents a timer. More...


#define DIFF_TICK(a, b)   ((int)((a)-(b)))
#define TIMER_FUNC(func)   int func(int tid, unsigned int tick, intptr_t id, intptr_t data)
 Declares a timer callback function.


void init_gettick (void)
unsigned int gettick_nocache (void)
int add_timer (unsigned int tick, int(*func)(int, unsigned int, intptr_t, intptr_t), intptr_t id, intptr_t data)
 Adds a timed callback.
int add_timer_interval (unsigned int tick, int(*func)(int, unsigned int, intptr_t, intptr_t), intptr_t id, intptr_t data, int interval)
 Adds a timed callback that is called every a given interval.
int delete_timer (int id, int(*func)(int, unsigned int, intptr_t, intptr_t))
 Deletes a timer.
unsigned int addtick_timer (int tid, int added_tick)
 Adds delay into a timer.
TimerDataget_timer (int tid)
 Gets the timer data.
int do_timer (void)
 Executes all timed callback when the conditions are satisfied.
int add_timer_func_list (int(*)(int, unsigned int, intptr_t, intptr_t), char *)
void timer_final ()


unsigned int gettick_cache
 The current tick.

Detailed Description

Timer Functions.

Prefix functions with oa_timer_

Generated on Fri Apr 28 10:20:05 2006 for OpenAthena by  doxygen 1.4.4