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map_session_data Struct Reference
[Map Server Core Structure and Routines.]

The data assigned for each session. More...

#include <map.h>

Data Fields

block_list bl
struct {
   unsigned   auth: 1
   unsigned   bot_flag: 3
 0: no bot action done,
1: wait answer of player,
2: far fake player sended,
3: far fake player deleted,
4: hiden fake player sended,
5: hiden fake player deleted,
6: like 1, 7: like 2
   unsigned   change_walk_target: 1
   unsigned   attack_continue: 1
   unsigned   menu_or_input: 1
   unsigned   dead_sit: 2
 0: standup, 1: dead, 2: sit
   unsigned   previously_sit_hp: 1
 0: not sit when is was previously HP regen,
1: sit, to avoid people that sit down and stand up between 2 timers
   unsigned   previously_sit_sp: 1
 0: not sit when is was previously SP regen,
1: sit, to avoid people that sit down and stand up between 2 timers
   unsigned   skillcastcancel: 1
   unsigned   waitingdisconnect: 1
   unsigned   lr_flag: 2
   unsigned   connect_new: 1
   unsigned   arrow_atk: 1
   unsigned   attack_type: 3
   unsigned   skill_flag: 1
   unsigned   gangsterparadise: 1
   unsigned   produce_flag: 1
   unsigned   make_arrow_flag: 1
   unsigned   potionpitcher_flag: 1
   unsigned   storage_flag: 1
   unsigned   modified_storage_flag: 2
 0: not modified, 1: modified, 2: modified and sended to char-server for saving
   unsigned   snovice_flag: 2
   guild *   gmaster_flag
   unsigned   event_death: 1
   unsigned   event_kill: 1
   unsigned   event_disconnect: 1
   unsigned   autoloot_rate: 14
 (0-10000) drop rate of items concerned by the autoloot (from 0% to x%).
   unsigned   autolootloot_flag: 1
 0: no auto-loot, 1: autoloot (for looted items)
   unsigned   displayexp_flag: 1
 0 no xp display, 1: exp display
   unsigned   displaydrop_rate: 14
 (0-10000) rate is from 0% to <max_drop_rate>%
   unsigned   displaylootdrop: 1
 Displays or not items (of loot) dropped by a monster when you kill it.
   unsigned   display_player_hp: 1
 0 no hp display, 1: hp display
   unsigned   main_flag: 1
   unsigned   refuse_request_flag: 1
   unsigned   night: 1
   unsigned   autovend: 1
 autovend allows vender to 'detach'
struct {
   unsigned   killer: 1
   unsigned   killable: 1
   unsigned   restart_full_recover: 1
   unsigned   no_castcancel: 1
   unsigned   no_castcancel2: 1
   unsigned   no_sizefix: 1
   unsigned   no_magic_damage: 1
   unsigned   no_weapon_damage: 1
   unsigned   no_gemstone: 1
   unsigned   infinite_endure: 1
int char_id
int login_id1
int login_id2
unsigned char sex
unsigned char GM_level
unsigned char packet_ver
 0: old, 1: 7july04, 2: 13july04, 3: 26july04, 4: 9aug04/16aug04/17aug04, 5: 6sept04, 6: 21sept04, 7: 18oct04, 8: 25oct04/08nov04, 9: 6dec04, 10: 10jan05, 11: 9may05, 12: 28jun05 (by [Yor])
mmo_charstatus status
item_data * inventory_data [MAX_INVENTORY]
 just pointers on items of database
short equip_index [11]
unsigned short unbreakable_equip
unsigned short unbreakable
 chance to prevent equipment breaking [celest]
int weight
int max_weight
int cart_weight
int cart_max_weight
short cart_num
 cart_max_num; it's always MAX_CART.
char mapname [17]
int fd
short to_x
short to_y
short speed
short prev_speed
short opt1
short opt2
short opt3
char dir
char head_dir
unsigned int client_tick
unsigned int first_client_tick
 to check speed hack
unsigned int tick_at_start
 to check speed hack
char first_check_done
 to check speed hack (to avoid lag when we set value, so don't consider first check)
walkpath_data walkpath
int walktimer
int next_walktime
int npc_id
int areanpc_id
int npc_shopid
int npc_pos
int npc_menu
int npc_amount
int npc_stack
int npc_stackmax
unsigned char * npc_script
unsigned char * npc_scriptroot
script_data * npc_stackbuf
char npc_str [256]
unsigned int chatID
unsigned int idletime
time_t lastpackettime
map_session_data::ignore * ignore
unsigned ignore_num: 15
unsigned ignoreAll: 1
unsigned global_reg_num: 15
unsigned global_reg_dirty: 1
global_reg * global_reg
unsigned account_reg_num: 15
unsigned account_reg_dirty: 1
global_reg * account_reg
unsigned account_reg2_num: 15
unsigned account_reg2_dirty: 1
global_reg * account_reg2
unsigned char friend_num
int attacktimer
int attacktarget
short attacktarget_lv
unsigned int attackabletime
int followtimer
int followtarget
unsigned int emotionlasttime
unsigned int last_saving
short attackrange
short attackrange_
int skilltimer
int skilltarget
short skillx
short skilly
short skillid
short skilllv
short skillitem
short skillitemlv
short skillid_old
short skilllv_old
short skillid_dance
short skilllv_dance
skill_unit_group skillunit [MAX_SKILLUNITGROUP]
skill_unit_group_tickset skillunittick [MAX_SKILLUNITGROUPTICKSET]
skill_timerskill skilltimerskill [MAX_SKILLTIMERSKILL]
char blockskill [MAX_SKILL]
short cloneskill_id
int potion_hp
int potion_sp
int potion_per_hp
int potion_per_sp
int invincible_timer
unsigned int canact_tick
unsigned int canmove_tick
unsigned int canlog_tick
unsigned int canregen_tick
unsigned int canuseitem_tick
int hp_sub
int sp_sub
int inchealhptick
int inchealsptick
int inchealspirithptick
int inchealspiritsptick
int fame
short view_class
short weapontype1
short weapontype2
short disguiseflag
short disguise
int paramb [6]
int paramc [6]
int parame [6]
int paramcard [6]
int hit
int flee
int flee2
int aspd
int amotion
int dmotion
int watk
int watk2
int atkmods [3]
int def
int def2
int mdef
int mdef2
int critical
int matk1
int matk2
int atk_ele
int def_ele
int star
int overrefine
int castrate
int delayrate
int hprate
int sprate
int dsprate
int addele [10]
int addrace [12]
int addsize [3]
int subele [10]
int subrace [12]
int addeff [10]
int addeff2 [10]
int reseff [10]
int watk_
int watk_2
int atkmods_ [3]
int addele_ [10]
int addrace_ [12]
int addsize_ [3]
int atk_ele_
int star_
int overrefine_
int base_atk
int atk_rate
int weapon_atk [16]
int weapon_atk_rate [16]
int arrow_atk
int arrow_ele
int arrow_cri
int arrow_hit
int arrow_range
int arrow_addele [10]
int arrow_addrace [12]
int arrow_addsize [3]
int arrow_addeff [10]
int arrow_addeff2 [10]
int nhealhp
int nhealsp
int nshealhp
int nshealsp
int nsshealhp
int nsshealsp
int aspd_rate
int speed_rate
int hprecov_rate
int sprecov_rate
int critical_def
int double_rate
int near_attack_def_rate
int long_attack_def_rate
int magic_def_rate
int misc_def_rate
int matk_rate
int ignore_def_ele
int ignore_def_race
int ignore_def_ele_
int ignore_def_race_
int ignore_mdef_ele
int ignore_mdef_race
int magic_addele [10]
int magic_addrace [12]
int magic_subrace [12]
int perfect_hit
int get_zeny_num
int critical_rate
int hit_rate
int flee_rate
int flee2_rate
int def_rate
int def2_rate
int mdef_rate
int mdef2_rate
int def_ratio_atk_ele
int def_ratio_atk_ele_
int def_ratio_atk_race
int def_ratio_atk_race_
int add_damage_class_count
int add_damage_class_count_
int add_magic_damage_class_count
short add_damage_classid [10]
short add_damage_classid_ [10]
short add_magic_damage_classid [10]
int add_damage_classrate [10]
int add_damage_classrate_ [10]
int add_magic_damage_classrate [10]
short add_def_class_count
short add_mdef_class_count
short add_def_classid [10]
short add_mdef_classid [10]
int add_def_classrate [10]
int add_mdef_classrate [10]
short monster_drop_item_count
short monster_drop_itemid [10]
int monster_drop_race [10]
int monster_drop_itemrate [10]
int double_add_rate
int speed_add_rate
int aspd_add_rate
int perfect_hit_add
int get_zeny_add_num
short splash_range
short splash_add_range
short hp_drain_rate
short hp_drain_per
short sp_drain_rate
short sp_drain_per
short hp_drain_rate_
short hp_drain_per_
short sp_drain_rate_
short sp_drain_per_
short hp_drain_value
short sp_drain_value
short hp_drain_value_
short sp_drain_value_
int short_weapon_damage_return
int long_weapon_damage_return
int weapon_coma_ele [10]
int weapon_coma_race [12]
int break_weapon_rate
int break_armor_rate
short add_steal_rate
int crit_atk_rate
int critaddrace [12]
short no_regen
int addeff3 [10]
struct {
   short   id
   short   lv
   short   rate
   short   type
autospell [MAX_PC_BONUS]
struct {
   short   id
   short   lv
   short   rate
   short   type
autospell2 [MAX_PC_BONUS]
int skillatk [2]
unsigned short unstripable_equip
short add_damage_classid2 [10]
short add_damage_class_count2
int add_damage_classrate2 [10]
short sp_gain_value
short hp_gain_value
short sp_drain_type
short ignore_def_mob
short ignore_def_mob_
int hp_loss_tick
int hp_loss_rate
short hp_loss_value
short hp_loss_type
int addrace2 [6]
int addrace2_ [6]
int exp_addrace [12]
short sp_gain_race [12]
int subsize [3]
short unequip_damage
short unequip_damage_sp
int itemid
int itemhealrate [7]
short spiritball
short spiritball_old
int spirit_timer [MAX_SKILL_LEVEL]
int magic_damage_return
int random_attack_increase_add
int random_attack_increase_per
int perfect_hiding
int classchange
int die_counter
short doridori_counter
int jailtimer
int reg_num
script_reg * reg
int regstr_num
script_regstr * regstr
status_change sc_data [MAX_STATUSCHANGE]
short sc_count
square dev
int trade_partner
int deal_item_index [10]
int deal_item_amount [10]
int deal_zeny
char deal_locked
int party_sended
int party_invite
int party_invite_account
int party_hp
int party_x
int party_y
int guild_sended
int guild_invite
int guild_invite_account
int guild_emblem_id
int guild_alliance
int guild_alliance_account
int friend_invite
int guildspy
int partyspy
int vender_id
int vend_num
char message [81]
vending vending [MAX_VENDING]
int catch_target_class
s_pet pet
pet_db * petDB
pet_data * pd
int pet_hungry_timer
int pvp_point
int pvp_rank
int pvp_timer
int pvp_lastusers
char eventqueue [MAX_EVENTQUEUE][50]
int eventtimer [MAX_EVENTTIMER]
int last_skillid
int last_skilllv
unsigned char change_level

Data Structures

struct  ignore

Detailed Description

The data assigned for each session.

Some of the flags here should be grouped into their own structure.
For example, autoloot flags.

Field Documentation

short map_session_data::cart_num

cart_max_num; it's always MAX_CART.

.. removed

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Fri Apr 28 10:20:06 2006 for OpenAthena by  doxygen 1.4.4